ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ An algorithm for prediction of earthquakesഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ
Гомеопатическая i-клиникаഀ ഀ Homeopathic internet-clinic  ഀ ഀ
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 начало  гомеопатия  примеры лечения  консультации  лекарства  контакты  ● библиотека  
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    back地震、津波 - 予測アルゴリズム  
 지진, 해일 - 예측 알고리즘  
 地震,海嘯 - 預測算法  
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Algorithm to predict earthquakes and tsunamis

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ഀ ഀ ഀ Project of electronic device. For its creation required work of engineers. Here ഀ are details:

ഀ 1. Time, space and gravity are always intertwined. When slowing down the rate of ഀ flow of time in space, its volume increased gravity, and it does not move the ഀ object quickly, and with the acceleration of the rate of flow of time, there ഀ will be opposing processes.

ഀ 2. Given this (and other important factors), you can create a device that will ഀ warn about the events related to the destruction:

ഀ - Earthquakes
ഀ - Tsunami
ഀ - Tornado
ഀ - Disease
ഀ - Destruction of the mechanical parts (cars, planes)

ഀ 3. If the measuring device sensors are located at a distance of 1 meter, then ഀ the diagnosis of destructive processes can be in close proximity.

ഀ 4. If the four sensors are spaced a great distance, it is possible to determine ഀ the coordinates of the coming destruction of the three-dimensional space.

ഀ 5. The fact that the destruction will take place, the device will show in ഀ advance.

ഀ 6. Hide the upcoming events from the device is impossible.

ഀ 7. Given the nature of the device, equipped with an autonomous robot they will ഀ be able to choose the safest route for its road without a human operator.

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An algorithm for prediction of earthquakes, tsunamis, damageഀ    ഀ E-mail: ഀ griserg@gmail.com        ഀ ഀ

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Forecast earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, damage - www.homeo.su
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