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Вопрос 7865
Roberta, 25, Вильнюс, Литва

Вопрос: Hello, I found your site and maybe you can give me any advice.

I have malignant fypbrohystiocitoma (connecting tissue sarcoma), diagnosed 4 years ago. I already had 11 surgeries, chemotherapy and radioterapy. All traditional methods don't help me, so I am looking for something alternative.

First tumor was in my left brest and later methastasis went to lung, chest bone and now it "travels" on my chest, especially around my chest bone. I also have a genetic test, which says I have Li Fraumeni syndrome ( genetical mutation). My mother (age 41) died from breast cancer 7years ago and my sister (age17) died from cancer 5 years ago.
Maybe you can help me with anything.
Thank you.

29 июня 2010, 17:37

Ответ: Hi, Roberta. Take one time a homeopathic remedy Carcinosinum 200CH five globules out of meal. Please make the information of your sensations more exact and detailed.

Вопрос: Thank you very much for your answer.

Every time a methastasis occurs I feel pain which is similar to neuralgia and when it goes away I start to feel a tumor which grows quite fast, about 1-1.5 a month. Then doctors take it away and I go to check my health every 3 months. The period when other methastasis occurs is from 3-6 months. I know that something is wrong when I start to feel pain, the cracked corrner of my lip and need to glucosis (sweets, cackes) becomes bigger, and I need more rest as ussual. My weight is 49 kg, high 168 cm. When I have active sarcoma, I start to loose weight. It feels like the tumor uses all the nutritian substances. I have pale and very thin skin.

The last surgery was done 3 weeks ago, methastasis from mediastenum were removed. Sypmtoms were the same as I mentioned before. Even though I have very severe and rare desease, I am a very big optimist and enjoy living life. I have a healthy spirit, but somehow I need to find a way to heal my body.

Thank you for help.


1 июля 2010, 11:33

Ответ: Hi, Roberta. Take now a homeopathic remedy Iodum 30CH Iodum. sarcoma, лечение 1 granule 2 times per day sublingually. In case of pain appearing you may take the remedy every hour or more often 5-7 granules. For more information, please, use skype, login sergey. grigor

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